Corporate Benefits

Corporate benefits help your company motivate employees by improving their well-being through savings and the quality of our offers.


Thanks to the corporate agreement (at no cost) with Ollidays, your employees, collaborators or associates will have exclusive access to holiday deals for Sardinia and other destinations at advantageous rates. We also offer a catalog of home accessories, fine wines, yacht rentals and more at very attractive prices.

Do you want to have a corporate agreement?

By sending this request, I confirm that I have read the Privacy Policy and agree that my data will be processed in order to provide the requested service. See privacy information

* All fields are mandatory

Ollidays Club

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Appartieni ad un’azienda convenzionata?
Iscriviti con la tua email di lavoro

Ollidays Club

Do you have an invitation code?

Do you belong to an affiliated company?
Sign up with your work email